When was the last time you felt ‘engaged’ at work? Umm? Ahem…Hmmm. (Is that even possible when its more engaging
to follow social media and converge with your friends online? Well, let us
momentarily put that aside). Maybe when your internship came to a close and you
wanted to ensure they wouldn’t shut the door in your face when you came back seeking
a full time job?
(Image courtesy - www.dilbert.com)
The smart HR professionals will admit that ‘we’ indeed have
a problem (never mind the fact that they hired such employees in the first
place). And so, ‘we’ need to solve it.
So, why don’t you start and we follow? What help do you want?
Eager to prove a point, the naïve management leader (the one
who got to this position by piling on the years doing the same job) will ask
for funding and get it. One month of sitting around with it and receiving two ‘gentle
reminders’ from the HR about ‘outcomes’, he gets jittery and forms an employee
engagement committee with 80% men and 20% women (you will know why very soon).
The men debate about roles, responsibilities, ideas and basically how to take
credit. The women take down action items, delegate all the work to themselves
and mentally prepare to call their mothers over to baby sit the kids for the
next 2 weeks.
Over the next week, the men hurl abuses at each other over
the program agenda, some walk out in protest because the employee engagement event
dates were confirmed without seeking their opinion. The women look like they haven’t
slapped on under eye makeup or combed their hair. Most of them are on notebook
two for recording the action items. No one seems to care that the other is
wearing the same shoes three days in a row.
Come D Day and what have we? A Bollywood style entertainment
program and celebrity guests. Three hours of song, dance is followed by prize
distribution for the best handwriting, best potluck dish, Antakshari victors, and several other activities you thought people
stopped participating in when you left middle school.
The outcome - ‘happy employees’ which equals ‘engaged
employees’. (After all they sat in the auditorium for 3 full hours didn’t they?
If this is not engagement, what is?).
Everyone agrees and silently hopes no one will ask ‘why are employees
disengaged at work?’